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The Quote Project | List One

Writer's picture: Laser FocusLaser Focus

by Beverly Banks

I would like to start by saying that I have a shared Pinterest board with my mom of 1,000+ quotes that we have added to for years now. I, like many others, absolutely love them. “The Quote Project” is going to consist of 2-3 articles featuring my friends’ and family members’ favorite quotes that they have shared with me. I found inspiration for this idea because one of my favorite ways to express myself is to send someone a quote that describes how I feel. My mission is to connect people through communication as timeless as the words of others. The concept of why, we as people, quote each other is truly amazing. To have something someone else said resonate so deeply within us is special. We are all connected through experience; some more than others. It is wonderful how a person, maybe someone we’re close to, or maybe someone we’ve never even met, can say something that inspires and relates to countless others.

The words of one have the power to change someone’s life for the better. They also have the power to negatively affect people. That is why it is so important to be kind whenever possible to others; which in my opinion, is always possible. Our words have power, and can reflect who we are; make sure they are accurate. Of course I believe we should celebrate our differences and embrace individuality. However, we sometimes forget that we have more in common with each other than we may realize. I believe our current situation as a society could benefit from remembering that. With this series, I aim to remind you that you are not alone and there is always someone out there who could probably describe how you’re feeling. Quotes signify inspiration. Connection. They define the human experience. With that, I have asked about twenty people what their favorite quotes are. It is my hope that reading through their responses will bring you some joy.


1. "Dreams don't work unless you do." - John Maxwell

This is my favorite quote. This quote brings a lot of meaning to me because it is my main motivator for the dreams I aspire to have one day. It is the quote I say to myself every day, knowing I can succeed even through the obstacles. -Destinee

2. “Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you’re a director. Everything after that you’re just negotiating your budget and your fee.” - James Cameron

I really like this one from James Cameron talking about starting out filmmakers. This one inspires me because this is what I was doing as a kid, dumb cheesy movies starring my sibling and friends. He’s basically saying it doesn’t matter how bad it is. Work on movies, just film stuff, and experience comes from your failures. That really speaks to me and keeps me going when I make something I don’t like! -Ethan

3. "Surely he has borne our grief

and carried our sorrows;

yet we esteemed him stricken,

smitten by God, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for

our transgressions;

he was crushed for our iniquities;

upon him was the chastisement

that brought us peace,

and with his wounds

we are healed."

Isaiah 53:4-5

It’s my favorite because it reminds me of how good God is and how forgiven I am and loved by Him. - Julia

4. “Never memorize something that you can look up.” -Albert Einstein

One of my favorite quotes is "Don't remember what you can look up" because we learn a lot of useless, pointless things in school that aren’t helpful for our future. These things can be easily looked up in books, or now the internet. -Sean

5. The Nuances of Helpful People: August 15

“People with a positive self image tend to be genuinely helpful to others.

In fact, the two tendencies go together so well that it is hard to tell which produces the other. It is probably a little bit of both. Those who feel good about themselves long to help others feel good about themselves. The more they reach out to help others, the better they feel about themselves.

Only the insecure, the frightened, or those with low self-esteem approach life with an attitude that says, ‘It’s every person for himself or herself!’

Sadly, they find only more insecurity and lower self-esteem.” -Nido R. Qubein, in Daily Motivation: 365 Messages to Inspire You at Work and in Life

So I was going to open this book to today’s date but it opened to this page. I think this suited me. -Michael "Mike"

“I’m just a grain of sand.”

A few years ago, I was invited to West Virginia to help a nonprofit work on the teachers village; it was my first venture with this group. Driving down there, I thought my efforts would change the world or be a huge impact on what the needs of this town were. I worked the week and on the way home I realized so many people do so much. Individually our efforts are appreciated and helpful, but together (many hands or “grains of sand”) can change the world. It’s all the nice things so many people do that make us all so great!! I see sandbags stacked up to stop flood waters: Alone a grain of sand couldn’t stop a flood, but an effort of many grains of sand stacked tall and together can stop the flood. -Michael

6. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn

I have many favorite quotes. If I have to choose one I love, it’s “Impossible is spelled I’m possible.” These words inspire me when I try to do new things or feel down :) -Sakura

7. “The struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.”

-Chadwick Boseman

Life isn’t easy, but at the end of the beaten path, there’s always an end goal. So when things go wrong, I think of this quote. -Peter

8. “This above all: To thine own self be true.” -Shakespeare

This is my favorite from Shakespeare ~ Which to me means ~ be true to yourself !!!!

Always ♥️ It’s going to be my next tattoo. -my aunt, Dianne

9. "A woman is like a teabag–you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The Eleanor quote was about her time as first lady, but to me it means when I have to deal with tough times, I know my most strength comes through; and I love tea. 😂 -my great aunt, Kathy

"Though she be but little she is fierce." -Shakespeare

"All that glitters is not gold."

This is one my Dad often said. -my great aunt, Kathy

10. “You need that like a moose needs a hat rack.”

I can’t think of many quotes I use. Your Aunt reminded me that I do repeat something my father, Gene Knowles, used to say. -my great uncle, Dick

11. “I love me.”

Well I actually have many quotes. Most of them you are just too young to hear at this point. But I was thinking today that I’m really glad that chicks dig me and guys want to be like me. So my quote of the day is: I love me. -my uncle, James "Jimmy"


I planned to end this article with a funny quote, and of course I can count on my uncle for that. In all seriousness though, that one is arguably one of the most important. Love of self is often overlooked, but it really is the first necessary step to live a happy life full of kindness toward others. I hope you enjoyed reading these quotes as much as I do. Of course they mean even more to me because they’re from my friends and family; but I think anyone will delight in reading them. Some are inspiring and motivating; others are funny or relatable. The variety of these quotes highlight how amazingly unique we all are as individuals. You just read fourteen quotes from eleven fantastic people–I'm looking forward to sharing the rest next week.

I wish anyone reading this a beautiful day!


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