by Emily Keaveney
The first person I interviewed, Morgan Duquette, is one of my first friends I made here at Lasell. Morgan is a sophomore majoring in Entertainment Media with a minor in Graphic Design. We both were residing in Woodland freshman year and got to know each other by hanging out at the picnic benches together. It is interesting to hear people's reasoning as to what drew them into Lasell, and what was the deciding factor.
I now live with Morgan in Rockwell, and finally dove into depth to ask her about her experience at Lasell. She has a rather unique story as to what drew her to Lasell; her older sister, who is currently a senior here at Lasell, began her studies here during the fall of 2018. This allowed for Morgan to get to know the upperclassmen at the University and become more familiar with the school itself. I feel as though Morgan was one of the few incoming students who knew the most information and people at Lasell, because she visited her sister so often in the years prior.
I asked Morgan what she liked best about Lasell and the best memories made here. Morgan believes one of the great things about Lasell, and most people would agree, is the Starbucks offered here on campus. It is located in the Science and Technology Center, which is one of the main buildings to host classes. Students can use dining dollars to order Starbucks and it is the best way to get yourself through an 8 am lecture. Many students feel restricted always going to the dining hall and love the aspect of being able to use their dining dollars at the other locations that offer food and drinks.
Her favorite memories have been getting to know more people and becoming friends with them. Now, she loves hanging out with the friends she became close to freshman year, and just making new memories with them. Being so close to Boston gives students many options for things to do. Students can take the T easily into Boston or if they are lucky enough to get a parking spot here on campus, students can drive into Boston within 15 minutes. When asked “What is one thing you could change about Lasell and why?” Morgan answered that Studio Road needs to be paved. The potholes are too big and deep and can easily ruin a car. From her room, she can often hear cars bottoming out on the road, and it is becoming nearly impossible to drive on it.
When asked to reflect about why she chose Lasell as a school, Morgan felt as though it was the best fit for her. She feels as though Lasell differs from other colleges because students feel more connected to advisors due to the small classroom size. This helps her get to know her professors and advisors on a better level. She feels like a student rather than a number or a piece of the job for professors and advisors. Morgan believes that Lasell will help her advance her future career because professors and advisors put an emphasis on job expectations and how to be professional.
There is a lot of learning about professionalism in the workplace, which helps students prepare for their careers. It is also ok to not know what you want to exactly do with your career; employees at Lasell help students dip their toe in the waters in many different routes they could take with their majors, or other majors. In contrast, they can also help students specify what exactly they want to do in their career, and steer students in the right direction for that. Lastly, I asked Morgan, “What makes students at Lasell different?”. I believe diversity is very important in a college, and wanted to hear the interviewees' opinion regarding this question. Morgan feels as though everyone is connected with each other, and really feels a part of a community being a student here. She enjoys walking to class, or across campus and always seeing familiar faces. I believe it is important as a small school to distinguish yourself from the rest, and Lasell holds many values and has many students that can distinguish themselves from the rest.