by Mackenzie Dupre
Exactly one month ago today, I was filled with trepidation about the journey ahead. Flashback to that day, I was moving to a new city, where I knew absolutely no one. I would be living, learning, and working with complete strangers. In just an hour and a half I would unpack my belongings and meet the people I would be living with, for the very first time. As the city skyline came into view, I adjusted my perspective. I knew in my heart that it was the right move.
Change can be daunting, but it is not as terrifying as remaining in the same place, and never exploring what’s out there.
During my first week in my new apartment, I decided that I was going to find ways to make Boston home. I filled a mason jar with popsicle sticks listing off things to do in the area, located nearby grocery stores, located a café near my classes, and even found a gym nearby. I have always enjoyed exercising; however, most of my physical activity consisted of sports practice or yoga classes. I never quite had the confidence to walk into a gym and workout without endlessly contemplating that others could be judging me. I figured if there was any time to push myself outside the bounds of my comfort zone it was now.
As the weeks passed, I reflected on what allowed me to settle into my new environment so effortlessly. As simple as it is, I gave myself the freedom to be me. I am a huge champion of the notion that everyone should be their most authentic self, and that genuine people will find you. However, it’s on rare occasions that I apply this theory to practice. I find it safer to be reserved when meeting new people, and that I can open up as I get to know them better. However, on my first day of orientation for semester in the city, I decided to adopt false confidence. This helped me to feel at ease with the other fellows, and I felt much more comfortable in my new living space as well as my courses.
Changing my environment and giving myself the space necessary to be my most authentic self, helped me to grow in ways I had never expected.