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Don't Look At Me

Writer: Laser FocusLaser Focus

by Erica Costa

TW: topic of sexual assault

Ugh why can’t I find something to wear?

I guess this skirt will do, oh shit, now I have to fix my hair

Comb, brush, slick down them edges, wrap it and done

With me looking like this, boy don’t go thinking you can score yourself a home run

It’s 95 degrees out, should I grab a sweater

Hide my body so you don’t get a peek, would that be better?

They say you should always feel safe in your own body

But how can I, when all you do is stare?

Take your eyes off me, can’t a girl get some freaking air

7:05, bus arrives in 3 minutes, I better go, I don’t want to be tardy

Running at full speed to the bus stop

In my tight skirt and crop top

Ugh, I can’t believe I forgot my damn sweater next to my desktop

All the wondering eyes pulverized my soul

In front of you stands a girl whose shoulders are uncovered, sir what is your goal?

Heart beating fast

Should I run back home

Or let you roam

Me with your eyes?

Or should I let you tell me your lies

Convince me that I’m worthy of your hello


Don’t act like I can’t see the smirk on your face

Don’t you dare step take a step closer

I know karate and I’m not afraid to put you in your place

One step forward but felt like I was stepping backwards

Hold up, did you just grab my ass?

Oh God, where’s the button I want to fast-forward

Horrified I was, timid I felt, anger I performed

Did you really think I liked your hands on my body, how tf could you be so uninformed?

My eyes are wide open but the view is pitch black

I’m reaching but no one can help

I’m drowning in my own tears

And all you can say is “welp”

This is all my fault

I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to tempt you

With my unhidden features

Excuse me while I break through

This crowded hallway

Feeling empty

Believing that because I am a female,

I take fault

In sexual assault


Every 98 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted.

34% of victims of sexual assault and rape are under age 12, and 66% of victims of sexual assault and rape are age 12-17.



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