strangers thank me for bumping into them on the T,
they scooch closer to me.
time is public property
the cashier thanks me for exact change.
i tell my classroom i’ve been feeling strange,
everyone’s eyes smile.
understanding is instantaneous and easy.
when i get excited i get loud,
my enthusiasm is a gift
and i never quiet down.
i start the crowds cheer.
i don’t fear my own thunderous clap.
i am never too much,
i am always enough.
i never lower my gaze
i never feel forced to smile when i’m not happy-
no one asks me to.
strangers never expect submission.
friends forgive without thinking it a favor,
without me asking for permission.
it’s always the thought that counts.
no one owns the ground, i am free to roam.
i have a right to space.
i have a right to air.
i have a right to sound.
my rights are never disputed,
in court or my own head.
everyone knows i am trying
everyone else is trying too.
we are all our best selves
so every day we give thanks.
every day we learn a new forgiveness.
there is always enough hope
to go around.